Group ACB is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of High Technology & Quick Turnaround Printed Circuit Boards, they offer a wide range of technologies including rigid, flex-rigid and flexible multi-layer boards.
Group ACB has three production facilities: ACB NV in Belgium and CIBEL & ATLANTEC in France.
When you need assistance with the design of your high-end PCBs or you would like to double-check the manufacturability of your design, Group ACB will always be your partner of choice.
As a true technology leader, with an excellent reputation in demanding market segments, they keep true to their motto “…Eyes on the future, feet on the ground…”.
Group ACB has R&D and production facilities in both Belgium and France.
ACB nv (Dendermonde – Belgium)
CIBEL (Bellême – France)
ATLANTEC (Malville – France)
We focus on the high tech, demanding markets…

We export to 25 countries in and outside Europe.